University Mark Lodge 2021
University of Liverpool Mark Lodge, No1062, began their new 2021/22season in a new venue. For many years, University Mark Lodge had met at the Liverpool Medical Institute in Mount Pleasant; but due to a change in circumstances it was necessary that the Lodge found a new meeting place. After looking at several alternatives and in conjunction with the other University Masonic Orders they final settled on the Athenaeum Club in Church Alley, Liverpool.
Master elect David Roberts with the DC John Ryan
The club is set in the pedestrianised part of the city centre. (There are car parks nearby.)  As befits a University Lodge the meeting took place in the club’s library; and so, at the appointed time the meeting got underway. Worshipful Master WBro Chris Walls, PPrGMO, welcomed the members and visitor and said how nice it was to be back after the lockdowns of the last eighteen months or so. Once the lodge was opened the dispensation was read allowing the meeting to be held at the new venue. (This will have to be the practice until the new By-Laws are passed and approved.) 
WM, Chris Walls, David Roberts and John Ryan
With the previous minutes approved, the Director of Ceremonies, WBro John Ryan, PAGDC, proclaimed WBro Chris Walls Worshipful Master. This is WBro Walls third year in the chair. Then the investiture of offices took place. After the financial business of the Lodge was completed it was time to move onto electing a new master. (Very confusing I know after just proclaiming a new Master, but rules is rules.)   With only one nominee the WM declared WBro David Roberts, PPrGJD, (Cheshire), Master Elect. WBro Roberts will be installed as WM at the lodge’s February meeting. There was also a contest of one for the office of treasurer and the lucky winner was WBro John Lyon-Taylor, PPrGJW.
Dr David Karsa, (in the picture to add a bit of colour), to Chris; David and John
With the meeting closed it was now time to sample the food at the Athenaeum Club. Reports from around the festive board were very favourable. We wish University of Liverpool Mark Lodge, No1062 many happy years at their new home. (That is once province approves the Lodge’s new By-Laws.)
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell